Monday, March 19, 2012

Revisiting Milestone Monday ~ 03.19.12

We had an uneventful weekend in our household that was still full of the mundane and ordinary family time (which I love).  We were very active outside, did some spring cleaning, did lots of laundry (natch) and ran errands (the norm...aka obsession).  Unfortunately, we also took B to urgent care on Sunday...but that's a horrible story for another day...lets just say the nurse was lucky not to get my fist in her face...::argh::

On the positive...
T had a big milestone this weekend...5 nights with a dry pull-up!!!  We were doing the happy dance...until he didn't make it to day 6.  Back to square one.  Our goal is to have him be dry 7 consecutive days in a row, then we'll move to big boy undies at night.  He just sleeps like the dead, so this has been a struggle.  During the day, naps, he's fine...overnight...not so much.  We'll take 5...and hope for 6 or 7 this week.  Progress.

We also got T into spring baseball.  He is supposed to be playing tee ball, but those teams were full.  So...he'll be playing 6U big-boy baseball.  He's beyond excited, even had to try on a baseball glove and batters helmet at our Target run.  We spent lots of time outside this weekend having him practice hitting with a metal bat and we tried to play catch with him (which he wanted no part of).  Even Mommy and T got some one-on-one time batting practice together (rare with baby B attached to Mommy every second of the day).  I'm excited, but nervous about him playing.  My boy is growing up!  ::snif, tear::

B also had a couple big milestones this weekend:
Taking some steps with her walker, alone!  She isn't interested in taking steps, even holding our hands or in the walker, so this was a big deal! 
*video to come*

Her first bike ride with the fam.  She was definitely none to pleased with the helmet and strap, but once we got going, she was happy as a clam.  I was a bit concerned, as she hates the swing, but she was great once we got going.  I was a bit nervous having our little peanut on the back, but biking with the whole family around the neighborhood was such a joy!

She looks so tiny back there:)  I'm looking a little worse for the wear after a run...eek.


  1. My oldest slept SO hard he took forever to make it through the night. We would wake him up right before we went into our room for bed (11:30ish) and make him go. It was a small price to pay for fresh sheets in the morning. :)

  2. We have a bike seat for Andrew that we haven't tried out yet. I'm excited to try it, but also really nervous about having him back there.

    Great job with the 5 dry nights and I'll cross my fingers that you get to 7 this week.


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