Monday, September 26, 2011

Homemade Baby Food Adventures ~ Starring B, as Herself

I thought this would be a fun post for myself, to keep track of B's likes/dislikes when it comes to baby food, dates of introductions and my adventures in making homemade. 

Here's the cookbook I've been using for my "first foods", along with the website (which I love!)
 My first try, banana puree
 This is all you need...
and who says you can't freeze banana puree?!  All you need is a little pure lemon to control the browning...and tada :) I used a ripe banana, lemon juice, ice cube tray, BM, a bowl and a fork to mash (no food processor needed).
#1 B's first taste of bananas 09.18.11
 Frozen banana puree, it was a success...and a big hit on try 2-4.
#2 Sweet Potatoes 09.22.11. 

I also made pumpkin, apple and peaches to try using my awesome food processor, some of the water I boiled the fruit in, and some breastmilk.  It was a cinch, and so much fun! 

 #3 Avocados 09.26.11 (also a myth you can't freeze in was a success, with the added drops of lemon juice, and not a bit brown!). 
 She's not too sure how she feels about this pick, but she didn't spit it out
My baby love!
 Holding my own spoon already! :)
Stay tuned for more...:)  I hope to try avocado + banana this week too!  I have pumpkin, peaches and apple waiting in the wings, and plan to make carrots and another veggie (haven't decided yet) this weekend. 


  1. She is so cute! I love her eyes, so pretty! Just wanted to let you know I sent you an invite to pinterest using the email you have listed. Be careful, it's addictive!!

  2. @ Kim, thanks for pintrest invite! I can't wait to check it out! :)

  3. I did not know you couldn't freeze bananas! About how much lemon juice did you add per banana? Can't wait to add a new food to our list!


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