Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Belated Milestone Monday...but they're big ones!

The fam was away at the "Hamptons of the Midwest" this weekend, aka Sister Lakes, Michigan (if you watch Guilana & Bill you'll get that reference).  I was a petri dish of germs, confined to the couch and bundled up in my sweats fighting a terrible bacteria...but...I couldn't pass up the weekly milestone because it's a big one...
B rolled over from back to front yesterday.  Only my Dad saw it the first time, but she's done it a couple of times since.  It was very exciting!  I felt a tad bad for my mom though, because she had been "working" with B on her rolling all weekend, then POOF, she rolls over for an audience of one.  :)
 B also got her first ipad tutorial and glimpse at youtube courtesy of her uncle Brian.
 *Note* notice that amazing Nuk binky that's still workin' its magic?!?  Love it!

 T had a big milestone today, he started formal preschool!  Today is his first day and mommy can't be there.  ::snif::  There are lots of perks to teaching, but being able to see my kid off to school or put him on the bus isn't one of them. 

in front of his classroom, the Rabbit Room :)

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