Monday, July 18, 2011

Milestone Monday

B finally has good head control & she can last longer than 5 minutes in both the bebe pod (the poor man's bumbo).  She can also push herself up a bit more during tummy time.  It's a small step...but a milestone for us, nonetheless
 T caught his first fish all by himself while fishing with Papa & Daddy over the weekend.  It was fun watching him get excited over the smallest bluegill.  Simple pleasures.


  1. I love the idea of Milestone Monday! I might steal that idea for my blog (if I do, I promise to give credit where credit is due, haha). Yay for neck control and fish control!!

    Following from TAT!

  2. Awwww, how cute! I remember when my daughter first started crawling and sitting up. It made me so proud!

    (visiting from toddle along tuesday)

  3. Mrs Monica!! So good to "see" you! This is ReeseM from the Bump. I am following now, and your kiddos are adorable!! I am pondering training for a half, which is a big step for me. I personally cannot imagine where I will find the time to train properly, but I am going to try. And you should too!! And no, the window will not close. Why would it? What will change in a year or two? Training will still be hard, and you will still kick ass. So either way, I think you will do great!

  4. Hi! Adorable photos! New follower from toddle along tuesday hop! I would love for you to stop by to say hi & return follow!


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