Tyler has begun to babble and he loves the letter B. It's his first consonant. He is also doing W and L so far, maybe D...we can't tell sometimes. We are holding our breath for the first real word, and working on baby sign language as well. He can also sit up for much longer periods of time and can play by himself on the floor sitting up. The big new trick this week was Tyler flipping over from his stomach to his back during the night to play (as usual) but then flipping back over to his stomach and putting himself back to sleep! We were so excited! Usually we have to get up and either change his diaper, feed him or flip him back over and put on the FP aquarium until he fusses himself to sleep. We were so relieved that it was possible, finally! He has what we call "Mommy syndrome" now. If I'm in his line of sight at all...he wants me and he lets us know it! It's both cute and annoying when I want a moment and need Mike to hold him. Being a FT working mom...I always worried he wouldn't know who I was if he was with someone else all day long...but boy does he! :)
We've also slowly moved into 2nd foods. I'm still breastfeeding...but we have introduced 2-3oz of formula to his feedings when I'm at work, and begun to dig into the frozen stock. I can't replenish as fast as he goes through it so when it's gone...it's gone. I think we can make it 1 more month at least (which will be 8 months...way past my initial goal)...if my supply holds up. We're playing it by ear. I'm trying not to stress about it. I am mostly continuing because it's easier AND cheaper! The formula (even the 4 or 5oz/5 days a week) is expensive enough. If we can stay away from the expense...the longer the better!
Tyler is really getting his own personality and it is more evident everyday. We love to just watch him learn and explore. It's so evident in his eyes that he is learning something new or discovering how something works. We are also going to transition him to a bigger carseat. He's just too big for the carrier now and since he's sitting up better...we're going to start the slow transition this week. I am eager to get him out of the carrier in some ways (it's so heavy and hard to maneuver) but in other ways I'll miss the convenience of it. I guess we'll see how it goes.
Tyler will make his first trip to Mommy's hometown of Chicago this coming weekend for Auntie Pam's 30th birthday. I'm so excited to show him around and have him meet some really important people in my life! It will be my first time ever away from Tyler overnight. I am already a tiny bit freaked out about it...but I know I have to do it sometime. Gotta "rip off the bandaide" I guess! :) Wish me luck!