On the 23rd we headed over to the Fletcher residence for a Scherman/Fletcher/Horn Christmas dinner. Marcia made a wonderful Lasagna meal and we had wine and presents a-flowing! Tyler enjoyed his first present-opening and we all enjoyed watching him light up as each gift was revealed. We can't leave out the fact that Tyler was obsessed with his Mimi and Papa Dave's humongous Christmas tree, and was determined to climb the mountain of presents and open every one prematurely (regardless of whether it was for him or not!). It was a lovely evening with our extended family! We enjoyed sharing the holidays with Dave's kids and their significant others too. We are really looking forward to continuing the tradition (and the alcohol consumption:))

Trying to scale the mountain of gifts

Daddy helping Ty opening his gifts

Thanks Auntie Cindy for Tyler's broom...he clearly loves it!

Cindy loving her Brett Favre tshirt :)

Mimi and Ty

Papa Dave and his buddy

Mike and his mom

Wow...look at that huge tree!

Mommy...I'm so tired! Uncle Mike looks like a good place to curl up!
On Christmas Eve, as is the new tradition, Mike and I hosted our families for a dinner and gift exchange at our new home. It was so great to finally be able to fit everyone in the house and be able to entertain in my new kitchen! I love it!! It was a great time, as always, and it was wonderful to spend quality time with our family!
Who knew a musical card was all Tyler needed for Christmas (thanks Therese!)

Wow Daddy, that truck is pretty cool! How much longer will it take to get it out of the packaging? (side note: does anyone else think the packing on toys is just ridiculous!?)

Ty's big gift from Mommy and Daddy, a ballpit (the slide was his gift for his 1st bday).

Really "getting into" unwrapping his gifts

A bike helmet from the Alfreds for his motorized truck (oh yeah...he has one...yikes!)

Mimi, it looks pretty good on you too:)

Newly engaged Elizabeth (my cousin!) and Ty

Mom (aka Grams), Brian and me...my Dad was too busy entertaining (what else is new!)

Mimi and our new sister Noelle (Dave' daughter), in from NYC with her boyfriend Jay

cocktailing and chatting around our new kitchen table (thanks Mom and Dad!)

Ty and Daddy chillin before heading to bed to await Santa's arrival

Puttin himself to bed in the hallway trying to trick Santa into coming early

Psyche...too much more running around to do...no time for sleeping