The Frantz Family and godparents at Logan Christopher's christening

Ty and Daddy at the luncheon for Logan's christening (are they twins or what?!)

This weekend was a very special one for two reasons 1. My best friend from college, Amy, came in town to visit and meet Tyler for the first time. I was so excited to share my joys with her and catch up. It was really a wonderful weekend spending time with her and having her finally meet Ty in person. We had a great time! 2. Logan Christopher Frantz, Melissa and Kevin's second son, was christened on Sunday. It was a special day for their family and Amy, Mike, Tyler and I were honored to attend and share it with them. Melissa really did an amazing job with the luncheon (as usual) and Amy and I got to catch up with old friends and go to church together. It was a really great weekend!
In Tyler news...Ty has a few new tricks lately. He has just discovered his feet and stares at them endlessly. He has also started to play with his toys on his playmats. Prior to this time, he just stared and accidentally hit them once in a while. Now it seems like he grabs and hits them on purpose and it's amazing to watch. Finally, Tyler has discovered that he prefers sucking his thumb, or his entire fist, instead of his binky. Ty has never really been a pacifier baby, it only works on occasion, but he really loves sucking on his hand. We're not sure how we feel about it but it soothes him when he's upset so we'll take it for now. We are waiting for him to roll over and think it will be any day now.
Amy and me before we went to have a drink and catch up, thanks Mike for babysitting the little man!

Auntie Amy with Ty

Mommy, Auntie Amy and Ty at the christening